Monday, August 22, 2005

Meeting with Bill Mitchell, GSFP who lost his son, Mike on 04-04-04. I spent a lot of time with Bill, and we learned we had in common that his son was in 1st Armored and my 2 are in 1st Armored. Bill lost his son, Mike on same day Cindy lost her son, Casey. My 2 were extended with the 1st Armored, the first division to be extended, as a direct result of the uprising at Sadr City where Bill and Cindy lost their sons. It was an eerie revelation to learn. Bill Mitchell is an amazing human being and we became friends for the week I was there.  Posted by Picasa

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President George W. Bush's statement in March 2006 after 3 yrs of war "a future President will have to resolve war in Iraq"


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